Wednesday, July 16, 2008

tryin' out this muscle-strengthening thingy..

yeah there's this thick rod with this spring thingy in the middle that's such high resistance that it's so hard to bend it. HAHAHAHAHA. i think i'm quite bony. not complaining because i can squeeze on mrts and slide past aunties when they block passage ways in shopping centres.

anyway, school has been really alright. but i've been really forgetful about homework. and i either do it during lessons time[with a trace of guilt in he process] or during recess. i'm trying my best not to think so much about my O's and i just wanna try my best. i mean God sure has a purpose if i do fail or do well or pass. hahahaha!!! but God's really amazing because He's very faithful even when i'm faithless.

come to think of it, God IS a 24/7 God. i walk on a lonely road and God is there, near!!!

i'm really thankful that right now, it's so much easier to communicate with some people. like i try to listen and shut my trap more than to correct and rebuke and correct and rebuke.

anyway, i'm really excited because i'm serving as guitarist this sat!!! God's really good because i was doing my qt and i was reading this part about Hezekiah purifying the temple and having loads of people poised for worship. and indeed, they did. the trumpets and cymbals and other instruments all in dissonance!! i surmise that it's rackety but i reckon that God likes it! and God don't really care whether people sing out of tune or whether the singer has a bad throat or voice. God just loves it when people sing to Him!!! and i'm excited for this sat coz this week's p&w is gonna be a blast!!! i can envision it! freestyle worship with God being present!!!

i was in my shower contemplating the music issue. i really like playing guitar a lot[though sometimes it can get boring when you play the same thing repetitively]! and truth is i really enjoy practising some songs like Far Away by Nickelback and Hosanna[you don't need me to name the artiste..] and i wanna learn how to play Baby You're always mine by David Cook! learning how to play tabs is really cool! but i don't know if it's right for me to play and listen to this songs too often. coz i gotta listen to these songs repeatedly to get the beat so that i can play the tabs[i don't refer to songs like Hosanna]. but i don't know if it's right to compromise, i don't know if it's wise to listen and listen just to play!! and when i switched on the com, i realized[or probably God told me] that i don't need to listen and listen just to play! God can prolly remind or teach me or even make a way out for me without having to compromise! God is faithful after all!!

so, i'm still excited about learning coz i have lots to learn[like nat told me it's gonna be a long time before i can jam]. but God is good!!!! k i'm pumped up in hitting the books now. yeah!!!!!

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